Do you ship internationally?

We ship worldwide!

How much does international shipping cost?

Regular -  15.99

Expedited - 49.99

Who is responsible for taxes and duties?

All orders are shipped delivery duty unpaid, state and national taxes are the full responsibility of the international customer. The taxes and duties will not be calculated in checkout . You will be responsible for paying the taxes and duties upon delivery of the Content

Do you accept returns?

We hope you love your Gondwana pieces, however, if you would like to return an item, we would be happy to help. We understand that some pieces might not look or fit as expected, so we are willing to accept your return for a refund within 15 business days so you can order the correct size and style. Please note all items must be returned in original condition with tags. Please also note that the customer is responsble for paying the shipping on the return.

Do you offer exchanges?

While we do not offer exchanges, we can faciliate your return so that you can place the order of your choice.

How do I initiate a return?

Kindly drop us a message in the "Contact" page located on the left hand corner in our footer. Our team will be happy to walk you through the process.